Small Groups
Small Groups
Listed below are some of the Small Group opportunities that we are currently offering at SWBC.
Please view our calendar for updated meeting information
Sunday School:
Sunday School classes will restart in September 2024 for all ages: preK through adult. All are welcome to attend Sundays at 10:30 a.m.
Mid-Week Gathering:
Summer schedule for our Wednesday night gathering time is 6:30pm-8pm for a time of study and prayer for adults. In the fall we will resume with our fellowship meal & youth groups (Wednesday evenings we meet in the Fellowship Hall for a fellowship dinner at 6:00 p.m. followed by a time of corporate worship in the Sanctuary at 6:30. Following the worship time the groups divide up for the remainder of the evening for Bible study, prayer and fellowship with separate meeting locations for our adults and youth groups: 4th-6th and 7th-12th grades.) All are welcome.
Online Devotional and Prayer
Join Pastor Bob on Facebook Live at 7:30am Monday through Friday as he leads us in a read through the Bible & time of reflection and prayer
Our Men's Study group is meeting on Thursday evenings from 7:00 to 8:00 at the church.
Our Men’s Breakfast is held monthly, generally on the second Saturday of each month at 7:30 a.m. Guys, plan to join us for a hearty breakfast, an encouraging devotional and a great time of fellowship.
Ladies Bible study is meeting on Thursday mornings during the school year. See the church calendar for current study time.
Scripture & Share: Monthly on the second Tuesday at 7pm we gather for a time of devotional, prayer & encouragement
Strong Faith: Tuesdays at 10am: Walk~Talk~Pray! Meet at Airline Trail Pomfret (13 Railroad Ave, Pomfret) for a comfortably paced 2-mile walk while discussing the weekly Bible Study. **This group is currently not meeting
Additional events are listed on our church calendar.