Kids and Teens

SWBC Youth Program

The intent of the SWBC Youth Program is to reflect on the five purposes God put forth in the Grand Commandment and the Great Commission: Worship, Ministry, Evangelism, Fellowship and Discipleship. 

Youth Group: Jr./Sr. High

Meets at church Wednesday evening during the school year. Join us again in Fall 2024! Check out the calendar for times and  special events throughout the year (posted here: church calendar). Open to 4th-6th & 7th-12th graders. Friends are always welcome!

On Sunday

Junior Church

Our Junior Church program for kids ages 3 through 4th grade takes place during the second half of the worship service. Kids will hear Bible stories, sing songs, learn verses, do fun activities, and practice praying together. When the children are dismissed from the worship service, leaders will direct them to the youth room behind the sanctuary. Parents should meet their children in the youth room at the conclusion of the worship service. 

Sunday School

Sunday School classes for kids, teens, and adults will begin again in September 2024.  They are offered weekly at 10:30am. Anyone is welcome to "drop in" at any time.  We have classes scheduled for - 

Under age 3: nursery room is available during Sunday School in the first room behind the sanctuary.

pre-K - K: meets in the classroom next to the nursery with Amy Vinal, Lucy Trudeau & Jack Collins.

1st-3rd grade: meets in junior church room (upstairs youth room, stonebridge road side) with Dona Vinal & Rose Chattelle

4th Grade - 6th Grade: class meets in upstairs youth room (northgate road side) with Susan Honeychurch

7th Grade - 12th Grade: class meets in the downstairs classroom (next to the couch room) with Grace Thompson and Jean Ann Moore. 


Vacation Bible School is our favorite week of the year! For one week in the summer, VBS meets Monday-Friday from 9:00-12:00 daily, and is open to ALL kids entering Kindergarten through 5th grade in September. Join us for rockin' music, outdoor games, wild science experiments, awesome bible stories, crafts, snacks, and a ton of FUN! VBS is offered free of charge, but registration is required. See our separate VBS page for infor about next year's VBS and you can also view the videos we created during our online VBS in 2020.