Ministry Partners
As a congregation, it is our joy to support our brothers and sisters working to spread the Gospel and to love and serve God’s people around the world. Teams of workers have gone out from our church on short-term missions trips to Guatemala, Moldova, Haiti, and the Dominican Republic. Please visit each missionary’s web site for more information about the work that they do.
Hope for Tomorrow
Hope for Tomorrow Guatemala, Inc. is a Christian mission organization that serves in the area around Teculutàn in the state of Zacapa, Guatemala. We have partnered with local Pastor Noè Gìron and his wife Glenda to bring physical and spiritual assistance to the people of Guatemala. Short term mission teams work alongside Guatemalan nationals and other mission groups to construct churches, drill fresh-water wells, provide medical care, feed the hungry, build needed facilities (orphanages, churches, homes, medical clinics) and share the gospel of Jesus Christ.We strive to encourage and raise up Guatemalan ministries to be self-sustaining. South Woodstock Baptist Church has sent short-term missions teams of adults and youth to Guatemala since 2013. Read our stories on our team Facebook page.
International Ministry Partners
We are blessed to be able to support individuals as they serve in different areas throughout the world. Please visit each organization’s web site for more information.
Hope for Tomorrow Guatemala: Pastor Noe Girón serving Guatemala HopeForTomorrowGuatemalaFacebook
International Ministries: Mercy Gonzales-Barnes serving Cuba & Latin America
Josiah Venture: Julia Budd serving in Czech Republic
Mama Tara's Orphanage in Puerto Lempira, Honduras
Operation Christmas Child
Reach Out Honduras
SIM: Erin Duerr serving in Nigeria
World Outreach: EJ & Miriam Bongolan serving in Philippines
Local Ministry Partners
We are blessed to be able to support local ministries as they serve our community.
Please visit each organization’s web site for more information.
Camp Wightman
Caring Families Pregnancy Services
Community Kitchens of Northeast Connecticut
Daily Bread Food Pantry
Day Kimball Healthcare Pastoral Care
Pierce Memorial Baptist Home
Thompson Ecumenical Empowerment Group (TEEG)
Ministry Partners
American Baptist Churches of Connecticut
The American Baptist Churches of Connecticut are a gathering of congregations called to invite and encourage people to become disciples of Jesus Christ and proclaim in all areas of life the saving love and truth of God. In the power of the Holy Spirit we carry out Christian ministries of service and support to one another and to an ever-changing world into which we are sent. ABCCONN
American Baptist Churches USA
American Baptists are a Christ-centered, biblically grounded, ethnically diverse people called to radical personal discipleship in Christ Jesus. Our commitment to Jesus propels us to nurture authentic relationships with one another; build healthy churches; transform our communities, our nations and our world; engage every member in hands-on ministry; and speak the prophetic word in love.
Open Doors International
Open Doors originated in 1955, when a young Dutchman started smuggling Bibles to the persecuted Christians in Communist Europe. He became known as Brother Andrew and his work led to more than six decades of support for the persecuted church worldwide. We are a global membership organisation with 25 national bases. We share one mission, to support persecuted Christians worldwide and strengthen what remains.
Global Christian Relief
Global Christian Relief (formally Open Doors) stands with persecuted Christians all over the world, providing whatever it takes to live for Jesus—emergency relief, Bibles, discipleship, food aid, job training and much more. Global Christian Relief equips persecuted Christians in more than 60 countries through programs like Bible & Gospel Development, Women & Children Advancement and Christian Community Restoration.